Thursday, June 20, 2013

How Do I Do It???

I remember someone telling me after I had my first kid, "It's amazing how heavy these tiny little babies get."  Then I remember thinking that if you held your baby for an hour every day (and lets face it, we hold them for way more than that), in theory, you would become a little stronger every day and they would never "feel" heavy.  Anyone that has held a kid for more than a few minutes will agree that is not the case.  They get heavy... fast!  In theory if I just run a mile more each week, then a marathon should be no big deal.  How wrong!  I found a Marathon Training Schedule and started it.  Pretty much if you can do a 5K, this is a good place to start.

I am now on week 2, and have only started getting out of my comfort zone.  There are a few things I've come to realize.

1.  Advil is my friend.
2.  I'm not being a hero.  My knee is weak, so I wear a knee brace.
3.  Running shoes are worth the money, even for a cheap chick like myself!
4.  There is no limit as to how much water I can drink on a running day.
5.  I still hate running in the rain.

The Beginning

For a while I've been saying that I wanted to run a marathon by the time I was 40.  Well, time keeps on ticking away as time tends to do, and I haven't really done that much with it.  I run a bunch of 5K's, and I enjoy running, but I really didn't make any real solid plans.  Then a friend of mine that works for the American Heart Association had placements in NYC Marathon in exchange for fundraising.  So I got serious about doing a marathon.

I ultimately decided not to take that ever appealing offer.  Mainly because if I did not reach their fundraising goal, I would be liable for the remainder of the money.  I would like to think that I could count on my family and friends to donate and help me out, but I would be really hurting if I had to come up with a thousand dollars in the end!  I felt like that offer was presented to me for a reason, and now it didn't pan out for a reason.  The seed has been planted.  So I'm training for a marathon that has yet to be determined.  Even if I run the 26.2 miles all on my own, that will still be a success for me.